Nearly every education institution provides a best practice educational program for students who have special needs but this is an issue that needs more support and an option of resources that offer realistic ways to put these suggestions in place.
Current Resources
At the moment we have the option to use curriculum documents, professional reports and therapy recommendations that offer useful suggestions but in all honesty we need more resources especially something that we can take home or to work and use with our children/individuals.
Val Gray
Thank goodness for Val Gray... the reason why is because she has been working for over 25 years with students who have special learning needs across a range of settings. She understands the resource shortage and created the Precision Academics Resource Bank (PARB), which provides resources that support schools and families in the education of students of all ages who have special learning needs.
The PARB has 4 functioning levels that determine the students current level (regardless of age) and provides the resources needed to help progression through the level. Here are the basic themes that each level is focused on:
Level 1 - Transition into school, Cross curriculum foundations.
Level 2 - Cross curriculum developing skills.
Level 3 - Cross curriculum across key learning areas.
Level 4 - Specific topics across most areas of the curriculum
Who are these resources suitable for?
If you have students who suffer from Down Syndrome, Asperger's Syndrome and Autism, AD/HD, Receptive/Expressive Language disorder, Dyslexia, English as a 2nd language, Intellectual Disability, Learning difficulties and young gifted students then this is a suitable resource. People such as Dr. Ashleigh Molloy, Dr. Anne Margret Wright and Kristy Colvin all use it in their respective fields.