Not All Children Spell in the Same Way

The problem

It can be very frustrating to a child to write a beautiful story in his or her composition lesson, and then receive it back with lots of red marks with 'Sp'. Can we help our children to eradicate this or at least reduce their errors?

How most children usually spell

Most of them use phonics - spelling according to sound. We teach them this method in kindergarten and many of them think that this is the only way to learn spelling. But quite a few problems come up because of this:

o Many English words are not spelt phonically.

o The child learns that certain letters have certain sounds and then is suddenly confused that the same letters have different sounds.

o This discovery leads to the belief that spelling is not logical.

o English is not like Malay, the Romanised form; in Malay all the letters behave themselves. They sound as they are written and always sound the same.

The more serious problem

The more serious problem, however, is not that English words do not always sound the way they are written but that children have different strategies for learning. The phonic method is only helpful for children who are 'phonic' or 'audio'.

At this point, a little background explanation is required.


All of us communicate with the world with our five senses - sight, hearing, feeling, smell and taste. The world would have been an easier place - albeit a duller one - if all our five senses are equally powerful in all of us. Unfortunately, each of us uses the five senses in different measure. Some of us use 'visual' more; other's use audio' more; and still others use 'kinaesthetic' (feeling) more. For the purpose of this article, we will leave out the senses of smell and taste. This is because these two have little bearing on spelling.

Since we use all three senses unequally to communicate with the world, we fall under one of these six categories:







The senses in front would be strongest sense, and the sense at the end would be our weakest sense. Eg. If I am VAK, I would have 'visual' as my most preferred method of communication; 'audio' would be my second method and 'kinaesthetic' my last or weakest. If people communicated to me in my strongest preference I would understand the message very well; if in my second preference, I would understand fairly well and if in my third preference, I would be rather confused.

Let me illustrate this with an example:

Let us assume that we need to give directions to a friend to come to our home for tea. If the person is more 'visual' or 'V', we can just draw him a map or tell him our address and he will arrive safely by following the map at the bus-interchange. If the person is more 'audio' or 'A', he will understand the verbal instructions we give him and arrive safely. If the person is mostly 'kinaesthetic' or 'K', it would be advisable to fetch him from the bus-stop or perhaps even from the interchange!

Of course this is an over-simplification and there is much more to the concept of 'VAK'. I would like to recommend anyone interested in wanting to know more to read books on NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). I would particularly recommend 'Awaken the Giant Within' by Anthony Robbins or 'Manifest your Mind, Design your Destiny' by Adam Khoo and Stuart Tan.

How can we quickly identify if a child is mostly 'V' 'A' or 'K'?

We can make a quick survey by observing and listening to the child. If the child cares a lot about looking good, being neat and tidy with a good handwriting, than he is probably a 'V'. We can confirm this by listening to the words he uses. If he uses words like 'I see', 'let me take a look' or other words related to 'seeing' he is probably a 'V'. An 'A' child can be identified by what he does too. He would talk a lot and be a keen listener. He would appreciate music or want you to tell stories rather than read. You can confirm by listening to the words he uses. An 'A' child would use words related to hearing like 'I hear' what you mean and may even point to his ears. A 'K' child would be one who likes to play with clay, run about a lot, likes to cuddle up to you and is usually very sensitive. The words he uses would be 'feeling' words like 'I catch what you mean'; 'I have a bad feeling about this' and so on.

The Phonic (Audio) method

Of the three, our usual method of teaching spelling, the phonic method - where the child breaks the words down into syllables and keeps repeating it - will work very well for the 'A' child. All he needs to do is keep saying 'c-at' cat, 'b-at' bat etc and he will master spelling. If your child is doing very well using this method, he is probably an 'AVK' or AKV'. He could also be a 'VAK' or KAV" where 'A' is his second preferred sense. However, he is unlikely to be a 'KVA' or VKA'. A child whose 'A' is at the end, is likely to have problems learning spelling in this way. The disadvantage of this method is that children will still make mistakes in spelling; this is because there are just so many English words which are not phonic. An 'A' child who is a poor speller is probably following the sound and spelling 'knife' as 'naif'.

The Visualisation (Visual) Method

A child whose main sense is 'V', ie 'VAK' or 'VKA' will need to use this method to master spelling. A child who is 'KVA' or 'AVK' will also benefit. The visualisation method is basically where the child looks at the picture of the word in his mind and reads out what he sees. Eg when spelling 'mother' the child will look up and a little to the left and 'see' the word 'm-o-t-h-e-r' and read out what he sees. In fact if a child is able to make a good picture of the word, he will actually be able to spell the words backwards!

The visualisation method is the best method and we should teach it to all our children - even to those who are good phonic spellers. This is because it even works for spelling words which are spelled the way they sound. A child who uses the visualisation method will spell 'knife' correctly and not 'naif'. This is because he 'sees' the word and does not depend on the sound of the letters.

How to teach the visualisation method

We should begin with helping the child to develop his visualisation skills. Incidentally, all children are at visualisation so we do not have to try very hard. Play a game with a child. Let him look intently at a picture and then ask him to describe it by 'looking' at it in his mind. Some children may want to keep their eyes closed; this is acceptable of course. From the pictures, we could change to words - at first simple familiar words and then to more complicated words. To test whether the child is picturing the words correctly, have him look at his mind picture and read out the spelling of the words backwards. If he can do this he is visualising correctly; if not he is conning you - he is memorising and pretending to visualise!

Steps to visualisation

Guide your child to:

o Get a clear internal image of the word broken into syllables. Eg. Dic-tion-a-ry

o Look at the internal message and spell backwards. This is to test if the image is accurate.

o Pronounce it syllable by syllable - by 'looking' at the image of the word in his mind.

o Now spell the word backwards from the image ie. from right to left.

o If they can see the image they should be able to spell backwards.

o If they cannot spell backwards, it means they have not got the strategy yet. They cannot really see the words.

o Keep practising until they can.

o Make it full of fun and laughter.

The Kinaesthetic Method

If neither of the above methods works on your child, then he must be strongly kinaesthetic. (There is absolutely nothing wrong with a 'K' child; in fact, a lot of the world's geniuses come from this group.)For a strongly 'K' child, it is good to let him write out the words as he learns them. He may use his finger to write on the table or even 'skywrite' and say out the letters.

Usually the visual method works for most children but there are exceptions. If it does not, try the other strategies. Use all three strategies. Find out which works best for your child.

Use Rewards Only to Motivate a Child

o Simple rewards for success

- A hug

- A 'high five'

- A biscuit

- Collect tokens to exchange for bigger rewards.

No punishment please!

o A child punished for spelling will learn to hate spelling or become afraid of it.

o If that happens, we really have a problem!

o Positive motivation always!

A parting word about the 'K' child

The strongly 'K' child may have to struggle through school. This is mainly because the school system uses 'V' and 'A' which favour the other two groups rather than the 'K' group which are a minority. Actually this is no big problem. Most children adjust themselves in using the senses they are not strong in rather well. After all, millions of left-handed people seem to thrive in a right-handed world. We can help by helping the 'K's to adjust. The 'visualisation with pictures' games would be helpful. Another way is to let them watch movies or read books and then tell the stories. Rewards will encourage them to go a long way. We would do well to remember that many of the geniuses of the world - like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Honda and Bill Gates - are probably 'K' people as are top sportsmen.

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Do All Children Need the Same Things?

  • Love
  • Security
  • Routines
  • Predictability
  • Safety
  • Trust

Very young children will react badly to change and chaos. Older children will learn ways of managing change, some learn to live with chaos.

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders or other disorders that affect their mental and emotional processing abilities find it extremely difficult to cope with even the smallest changes to their everyday lives.

Children are naturally resilient, they have a good range of coping skills, they rely on their parents to keep them safe and to put boundaries in place that allow them to test the water from time to time, without falling in.

Children with ASD do not develop coping skills in the same way as other children. They are no able to transfer learning from one experience to another or from one place or person to another.

e.g. Your children quickly learn that most friends and relatives have similar rules in the house, that all cars do the same ting regardless of colour and that there is more than one way to the supermarket.

Children with ASD experience every day as though things were happening for the first time. They do eventually learn daily family routines but are dependent on things happening in the same way at the same time. Changing the colour of the child's toothbrush can cause huge distress, because a child with ASD is unable to transfer his knowledge about his old toothbrush to the new one. The same thing happens if the family usually goes to the supermarket along one particular road and then one day, they go a different way and all hell breaks loose in the car because the child with ASD does not realise that they will still get to the supermarket. To him the world has turned upside down. He no longer feels safe or secure, he can't work out what will happen next.

Very young children show similar tendencies when things change from the usual, but they are usually easily soothed and can understand that things are O.K., they trust that their parents will make everything work out. They remember the experience and can draw on it to make sense of another similar experience later on.

The child with ASD cannot make use of knowledge or experience in the same way. They rely on sameness for their security and can only manage change if they are well prepared for it, one step at a time with visual aids and cues to help them keep track of what is happening. A surprise party or event would be the very worst thing you could do for a child with ASD.

Love - all children need to be loved and feel loved, just don't expect your child with ASD to show love for you or anyone else - if he does it's a bonus.

Security - all children need security, they need to know that you are there, and will do what you say you will do, they need you to behave in a way that is predictable and consistent. The child with ASD needs this predictability and consistency in order to make each day bearable.

Routines, all children thrive on routines, they like to be fed at the same time, go to bed and get up at the same time, they like things to be done the same way. As they get older you can change the routine, they'll cope, and even enjoy it, e.g. a family holiday.

The child with ASD, will not cope with changes to routine and frequently these children make family holidays impossible, they are not able to function away from their usual residence and daily routine. It is possible to prepare them for change and in that sense change should be part of the routine. A system of preparation for change alerts them that something different is going to happen. If they are always prepared and supported through any change in the same way, they begin to trust that system to keep them safe.

Predictability. From a very young age children can predict what will happen next. When they hear or see their parents come into the room they expect / predict that they will be spoken to or picked up. When they smell food they predict that they will be fed. They have a nightly bath and expect to go to bed after it. Soon their ability to predict what happens next expends to all sorts of things and places. If they are visiting another home and they smell food, they will predict that they will get food, a night time bath will mean bed, they may be unsettled but they can be reassured and they do cope.

Children with ASD are unable to predict what will happen next but they do rely on routines, however, they are unable to predict that these routines will work in another setting. They can't predict that a visit to another house will work out pretty much the same as being at home.

Safety, a sense of safety is developed through experiences of trying new things with loving support from parents and from parents being there to meet the daily needs and attend to any upsets or accidents. Children feel safe around their parents ad other known adults because thy have learned that these adults can make things O.K. for them.

Children with ASD, usually don't develop a sense of trusting adults to make things O.K., they rely on routines or particular behaviours or places to make them feel O.K. They may respond better to one adult rather than another, but often see other people as no more than a means to an end. However, they do realise that they feel better / safe when they do certain things or go to a particular place, e.g. a favourite chair.

Trust, children learn to trust other people and themselves, they learn what they can and can't manage to do, they learn that people will allow them to do certain things and will react in predictable ways. All being well they learn to trust that they will be cared for, that things will be O.K. even if tea is half an hour late or in a friends house. They know that one sweater will keep them as warm as another, they trust that Dad will collect them, even if he is five minutes late, they wait, trusting that he will come.

The child with ASD does not learn to trust in the same way, he relies on routines and rituals to make him feel safe, he does not understand that Mum will arrive to collect him even if she is five minutes late. If Mum is five minutes late he has already lost his sense of security and trust, he can't predict that she will come. To him it's then end of the world because she is not there.

All children do need the same things, some will learn to adapt to life changes and grow within a framework of love, security, routine, predictability, safety and trust, eventually becoming independent adults capable of providing these things for their own children.

Children and people with ASD, however, will almost always need the love and support of others to help them cope with the changes of life, their security and safety depends on others managing their routines and making life predictable for them.

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Anxiety and Children? What Parents Are Learning About Anxiety and Children

Anxiety and children is a real deal, very serious issue and one that parents need to be aware of. It is also imperative to the one suffering that, if possible, you cease the suffering asap. The correct diagnosis can save you in more ways than you ever could imagine. Not just financially either but emotionally, mentally, and all around happiness regarding the quality of your life and family.

Any action you can take that would improve your state of mind and increase a more positive attitude is going to help you live a much happier life. There are a lot of seemingly solid things in life that, in reality, would tumble like a house of cards if only you have the right tools, information and courage to just, try.

We can all live better lives, if only we took cues from the gathered information and learned from the mistakes of our common history. True experts and therapists do their very best, by providing information to improve our lives and reduce our suffering. No one should have to suffer needlessly, least of all children. Recently, anxiety and children have been reported as growing more and more connected than ever realised before.

If you are like most people you are probably wondering, What on earth do children have to worry about? 'They have got it made. No bills, no job, no mortgage, they get food and clothing, and they are taken good care of. ' Yeah, from your standpoint, this is all true, but this is the absolute wrong way to perceive anyone or anything. Perspective can taint our understanding of our reality and the way we look at anxiety and children.

Think back to when you were a child and remember all the pressures, your friends, the schoolwork, after school activities, parental expectations; and the things that were important to you, were always like a life or death, super important thing for you, in your mind. What would make it any different for any other child?

Also, when you were young, things were a lot different. Things were much simpler and a lot more 'happy go lucky'. Of course, things are different for every individual but when were talking average family living standards, some generations had it particularly good. Children and anxiety are more a problem now, than was previously known about in the past, for two major reasons.

What we knew and understood then, as compared to what we know now, was one reason. We had less sophisticated tools and incomplete, inadequate information, especially when concerning children and anxiety. We also did not necessarily consider how to gage whether or not children and anxiety was an existing condition. At least specific to children.

However, It is more probable to be sure, that when an adult is diagnosed with general anxiety disorder they always had it. Only, the symptoms and effects are more noticeable and disruptive when coming from an adult. If the same outcome was to be established as coming from a child the confusion sets in, and our perspectives fail us. We are more prone to chalk it up to misbehavior or attention seeking behavior.

Another reason may be that children today are educated much faster and become comprehensive with expression in a considerably accelerated rate when compared to just ten years ago. Kids, can now know and explain what their bodies are going through and telling them in very easy to understand, intelligible terms. This is a freedom that children of younger generations never knew.

Now to mention, that with more freedom, comes responsibility. Children these days have a lot more to be responsible for and all the pressure that comes with it is bound to build into an anxious state from time to time. Not all children are capable of handling severe anxiety, nor some adults for that matter.

Science and research have come a long way with understanding emotional and mental disorders.Children and anxiety disorders are now a relatively common and socially acceptable condition. It has always been my contention that children are little people, deserving of respect and understanding just as any other person. They do apparently become entangled in the same webs that we adults find ourselves ensnared in too. This can bring on extra stress and pressure.

The Major types of Childhood Anxiety Disorders

G.A.D. or Generalized Anxiety Disorder- Extreme worry for extended lengths of time. Often disproportionate, excessive, and needless.

Panic Disorder- Unrealistic fear, fear of people and crowds, fear of one person, fear intense and extreme and sudden usually without an apparent cause or trigger.

Separation Anxiety Disorder- An unusually extreme need to stay with parent or relative, emotional distress caused by separation of someone they have bonded with strongly, severe anxiety occurs when even the suggestion is discussed openly to detach or remove them.

Social Phobias- Unreasonable, uncontrollable but never the less intense fears of social situations, fear of any social circumstances.

O.C.D. or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- Obsessive behavior in a compulsive manner, ritual or redundant acts and commitments to patterns usually extreme and time consuming.

These conditions and the very brief description is in no way exhaustive or even adequate. They are just a small description of them to give the general idea. There are much more to the symptoms than I can give here. They all come with their own sets of symptoms, effects, and reactions all varying in degree and length. Some are common, some unique but these disorders are all very taxing on the one who suffers from one or more of them. Those that are afflicted have little or no control over their actions. The behavior a child may exhibit very well could be a symptom and not a misbehavior at all. Children and anxiety are often confused with misbehavior or some other problem.

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Learn to Write Logical Children's Books!

When we think about children's books, many of us do not think of them as being "logical." After all, talking animals, zany happenings and strange events are often a part of these stories! However, no matter how strange the things that are happening in the book seem, an important part of how you learn to write is going to be focused on keeping your story logical. The thing to remember is that no matter how fantastical or strange these books are, they still have rules and a good story will abide by the rules that it has created. Logic is an important part of children's books, and if that is what you want to write, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.

When you sit down to write a children's book, remember that you should think about the world that you are interested in creating. Is it a world where mice live and act just like humans or is it a world that is essentially unrecognizable from the one that we know and live in? If you are concerned about moving forward and making sure that the world is a good one, you are going to need rules. You are setting up the logic for your story and your story must follow it. Even if the rules are different from the ones that we know are true, you must stick with them!

For instance, when you are creating a story, think about what needs to have happen. It is important that your character go through fascinating things or that they are able to complete interesting or daunting tasks. However, if they are able to finish the tasks to simply, no one is going to be interested in the story, and if they somehow magically finish the tasks for no good reason and without conflict, you are cheating your reader out of a satisfying story! Your character's conquest needs to be a logical conclusion of the things that have come before it. Unless you can make the victory seem plausible, you are looking at a book that is not going to do well.

If you have a magical item in your story, remember that it should work under its own rules. In Snow White's story, the poisoned apple would poison everyone who bit into it, and the queen's magic mirror always tells her the truth. What a poorer story it would have been if the poisoned apple didn't work or if the magic mirror could lie! Snow White might have been safer, but it would not have been much of a story would it. Learn to write great children's stories by taking some time to think about the logic in your children's books and how they work.

When you are interested in children's books and want to learn to write them, logic is one of the best lessons that you can pick up. Take some time and consider what your options are going to be and how you can keep your logic consistent; this is an essential part of writing and moving forward.

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Teaching All Children to Read and Spell Well Means Using Direct, Systematic Phonics Instruction

"Reading competence is foundational, not only for school- based learning, but also for children's behavioural and psychosocial wellbeing, further education and training, occupational success, productive and fulfilling participation in social and economic activity, as well as for the nation's social and economic future."

AU National Inquiry into the Teaching of Reading 2005

When I first began specialising in child behaviour management over a decade ago I quickly recognised a correlation between poor literacy achievement and delinquency I was not surprised therefore, in recent year, to read of some US states actually predicting future prison populations based on year 3 and 4 reading scores. And yet when I have suggested to some Head Teachers that if they would like to see improved behaviour throughout the school that should look at how reading was being taught within Prep, Year 1 and 2 I have been looked at as if I were suggesting something really bizarre. Despite the lack of accurate estimates on the overlap between literacy under-achievement and crime, the associated links however are well documented (e.g., McNee, 2004; Mayhew, 2003). So teaching all children to read early on- using methods that work for all - is more important to society than many people seem to appreciate.

For the purposes of this article I will presume that the reader is interested in the initial stage of learning to read- however systematic phonics instruction is critical if children are to be taught to read well, whether or not they are beginning to learn to read, or experiencing reading difficulties.

Within our current education system we are often so focussed on 'child based learning' and on constructivism (an established theory of knowing and learning rather than a theory of teaching) and teachers often do not realise that there is a serious lack of supporting evidence for its effectiveness in teaching children to read. Unfortunately one 'method' of teaching reading- the 'whole-language' approach to teaching and learning - reflects this philosophy of learning, and has been the predominant approach for early literacy teaching and learning throughout English- speaking countries (Pearson, 2000; Westwood, 1999, 2004). This approach assumes that children are inherently active, self-regulating learners who construct knowledge for themselves, with teachers needing to give little or no explicit decoding instruction. While this may be OK for many children, the ones we focus on at Read Australia(TM) are those who struggle. This also includes children who are from disadvantaged backgrounds who often do not have rich phonological knowledge and phonemic awareness upon which to base new learning. Being taught using this 'whole language' method has the effect of compounding their disadvantage once they begin school. This is particularly the case for children from non-English speaking backgrounds, including Indigenous children where English may be their second or third language.

So why use it?

The sounds in our language existed long before the letters. The written symbols of our language were invented to represent the sounds we have been speaking for centuries. Teaching children these sounds is easy when they are speaking- as they know those sounds- they are using them in words pretty much all day (don't we know it!) So we need to teach them how the sounds we use (when we speak) are represented on paper ie how to de-code the written word.

While in Australia I have been astounded by how often children are sent home during their first year with 'sight words' and also with 'readers' that they cant possible de-code. If we teach children 'whole words' we aren't teaching children that these words are based on the sounds in words- but rather, we are relying on memory.

Perhaps this puts in into perspective- a typical person can only retain around 2000 - 3000 words- enough to perform at year 1 level. However by memorising children will soon start forgetting those words, and run out of ways to guess and memorise. It will become harder for them to distinguish 'horse' from 'house' etc because they are trying to remember the whole word and it's becoming more difficult as more words are introduced and used. So instead we should do it the simple way and teach children the individual sounds that make up words- of which there are just 134. If they are going to be given 'sight' words to learn we'd rather it be the handful of words that can't be de-coded eg yacht'. There are 55 words in the English language that they won't be able to de-code. The other 19,950 that we use daily are predictable and decodable however! - if the 'code' is understood. So it's important we teach children that way round.

To put this into practice we need teachers to understand why this method is most effective for the highest number of children. There needs to be a focus on explicit teaching of the structure and function of written and oral language in ways that allow children, regardless of their backgrounds, to reflect on and consciously manipulate the language. This involves an awareness of phonemes, syllables and morphology- and this requires a high degree of teacher-centred presentation of learning material, with an emphasis on explicit instruction, scheduled practice and feedback (e.g., Center, 2005; Westwood, 2003, 2004). This method asks more of our teachers- and provides children with a greater chance of success.

A great learning environment for young children is one where the focus in on the sounds of letters and not their names. So the words they see around the classroom as whole words will be written using bold and non bold type face. The parts of words that are in bold are where the sounds in the words we are speaking are represented by two or more sounds (that change when put together) eg this - the th is in bold as the 't' and 'h' together are how we represent the 'th' sound. 'i' and 's' are separate. So teachers will tell the children that the word this is written using 3 sounds th + i + s

When the children have learned even 6 sounds they can start to read and spell words! Initial 'readers' would be books that have text that doesn't have many words that have bolded text- eg 'a fat rat ran past' (which as you will see is a sentence created using just 7 sounds). All words other than 'the' should be de-coded in these early 'readers- so the children are actually reading the text. Early readers find this way of viewing text much easier- it makes sense to them! -so these fantastic teachers would create their own resources or order them from our online resources page. Ideally resources created are also personal to the children- making them more meaningful- starting from a selection of 6 sounds and working on the concepts required so that they can start to crack the 'written code'.

When confident with the basic level children would be given a mixture of books as 'readers'- because their success rate (de-coding, not guessing) will still be good. Initially however children in these 'ideal classrooms' would only be given 'readers' that they can de-code. They should of course share 'real' books - or books that have not been developed using phonics- with older children, parents etc- however to learn to actually read children would be taught the skills to do so- and part of that is actually understanding why we write words as we do, and why we spell them as we do.

If we look at the AU Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy 2005 (or Rose Report, UK etc) we see that recommendations support this. Parents can use the summaries to get the idea of what teachers should be doing. 'Read Australia(TM)' was created to empower parents so that they can be more effectively and proactively involved in their children's literacy development. Governments have been researching this topic because children were (and still are) failing- and teachers needed clearer direction. Teachers can no longer get away with using their own preferred method - or systems they've been using for years because research and clinical studies show us these aren't meeting the needs of our children. Some teachers of course ARE providing opportunities for children - and ensuring that all children are being taught explicitly- however many still aren't- and children shouldn't suffer because of this. If children in the early years see letters and say the name instead of the sound- eg pronouncing 'a' as 'ay' instead of 'a'- as in the sound we hear when we say 'cat' parents should be worried. Why? We don't say see-aye-tee when we say cat! They need to know the sounds of the alphabet- not their names- as their names are meaningless with regards to spelling and reading the English language.

Good readers start by learning the code (they had teachers or parents that taught it to them) so that when they come across words they have never seen before they actually break them down. Some pick it up quickly even if not being taught well- however there are many others that don't- especially boys. They need to be carefully monitored! If children are great at spelling words- not just from memory- its because they understand how words are broken down and also understand how the sounds we use to speak- to form words- are created. For example they will give you all the versions when asked to spell the word 'brown'. They wont just give the 'correct' spelling- they will also tell you that it could have been written 'broun' if we were to put the other 'ow' sounds within the word- or if asked to write 'same' they would give 'saym, sayme, saim, saime,' etc - or 'fur' would also be written 'fir or fer'. We do lots of work with children using 'real' and also nonsense words as we want to know they really do 'get' the code.

The written word relates to our spoken word- so children must become aware of the sounds in words - as they hear them. Many children we assess for example will have difficulty hearing that there are 4 sounds in 'frog'-or knowing what the word would be if we said 'frog' without the 'r'. They haven't practised listening to the words we are speaking- and knowing how to written them down, with the individual sounds in the correct order.

Something many teachers do unfortunately- not realising this makes it really difficult for children who aren't picking this up quickly- is that they put two sounds together that should stay separate. So children put for example 'fr' instead of 'f' and 'r'. We need to keep it simple - if the two sounds change when put together then that's fine - if not keep them separate. So 'shop' has 3 sounds - sh o p - but frog has 4 sounds ie f + r +o + g

Children should be tested when they start school- and this should be on-going, to assess individual progress. Objective, standardised diagnostic tests that assess the essential alphabetic, decoding skills required for reading proficiency are available to teachers- however seem not to be fully utilised. In order to meet the needs of all children we need to use methods that meet the needs of all children from the beginning- not give them phonics instruction when they are failing at 7 or 8. We KNOW what to do- reports are readily available - and in addition to actually doing this we also need to pay much more attention to individual children- and in knowing how each child is developing in all aspects of reading and spelling, from their first day at Prep!

So please join us and ensure all children are able to read and spell quickly- we owe them this as parents, carers and educators.

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